“Through your prayers & donations we bless God’s nations!”

To Be Glad Together

To Be Glad Together

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“… so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together”

(John 4:36)

Dear Prayer Partner we thank the Lord Jesus Christ, for your very gracious support with regard to this coming Outreach to China. Yes, the key is that the sower and the reaper may be glad together! God has created his church to be one body of Christ. What happens in the one part of His body affects the furthest part of the body. E.g. what happens in the heart of the body affects the working of the hands of the body.

We in Free To Serve are the hands, yes, the finger tips of His body, who will now again be going out to bring in the harvest among the “unreached part” of His kingdom. But you who stays behind – but made it all possible – you are indeed part of the bringing in of this harvest for God.

We are like a lifeline which God is casting to His lost world. He Himself is holding this line in His big and gracious hands to bring in the harvest because it is only God who can save and redeem lost people.

Then there are those who are maybe old or ill and cannot contribute but only with their prayers. This makes you a Prayer Missionary in this holding of the line. And nothing happens in Missions works unless it starts with prayer.

Then there are those of you who can only render logistical help to the Full Time Missionaries who are hanging on the very front part of the rope. This makes you a Logistical Missionary

Then there are the Financial Missionaries who can contribute to God’s Outreaches with their money. Money is one of the norms Jesus is looking at when He measures our love for God. What we do with our money is what we are thinking of our God. Do we put our “best money” into His kingdom – then “God is the best” for us – even a R 50 pm ($ 10 or £ 10) – in God’s view this is good money. It is like the two fishes and the five loaves of bread which the little boy brought to Him – He will multiply it. You see our money is calling out to be used for our God’s kingdom where we ourselves cannot work! And we thank our Lord that we have now received enough money for this China Outreach, from 30 Sept on wards, to cover our basic expenses – we thank our Lord and we thank you as our faithful Prayer Partners in FTS for your generous contributions!

But the God of the impossible, and us, still need your faithful prayers to cover us during this Outreach…therefore please see the Prayer Requests

Thank you that we can be glad together in His body and in His harvest to come!

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