Gwyneth Crowley’s Farewell
On Saturday 5 March 2011 we had the great privilege to “Give Away” our FTS-RSA Manager, Gwyneth Martin, in Marriage to Rev Charlton Crowley of Klawer, West Coast of South Africa.
This was really the day that the Lord has made for Gwyneth and Charlton Crowley. For the past 7 years that Gwyneth has been with FREE TO SERVE we were praying with her that God will one day give her the husband whom He has made for her – yes, especially made for her. And the wonder of Prayer is always – that God can answer your prayers in a better way than you could ever imagine it yourself!
RSA – Gwyneth & Charlton Trou
At Gwyneth’s Farewell Party at FTS we were so privileged to have with us also a few of Gwyneth’s FTS-Partners who have supported her through the past 7 years with their prayers and with their financial support and also with their moral support. By doing so they were actually doing active Missions Work side by side with her.
We thank the Lord for the great work which Gwyneth has done in Elsenburg with all her children and also with the FTS RSA Outreaches to the Northern Cape as well as all the young hearts her life has touched and changed through the years on the FTS Camps. She moves on but her legacy will live on for ever in the lives of these children!
Gwyneth said: “I really thank my Father for His loving care which brought me into ministering His crown jewels, namely His children. There are still so many children who still have to hear and experience that there is a heavenly Father who loves them passionately and Who has a plan for their lives”