Ps Godfrey & Linda Martin

Ps Godfrey & Linda Martin
Director: RSA
Both of us have been in the teaching profession but lately we are pastoring a small congregation named the Emmanuel Mission Church in Stellenbosch, a stone-throw from the Free To Serve head-office.
The Lord blessed us with a daughter and a son of whom both came to know Christ as Lord and Saviour in their early high-school years. Today Gwyneth is the FTS-RSA Manager and our son Lynwill, a student busy with his doctorate in Chemistry, is the church worship leader and is involved with beach-missions over the Christmas holidays.
My involvement with FTS started in 2002 when the previous RSA-leader asked me to handle two of the sessions on a youth camp. Having a passion to work with high school kids, I felt led by the Spirit of God to become a volunteer worker for the Lord in FTS. This led to more weekend camps involvement and FTS-mission outreaches during the September school holidays – reaching out to young and old 750-800 km away from home. We give God all the glory as we see lives that have been transformed by the Spirit of God through service-evangelism and workshops on life-skills.
Free To Serve’s total dependence on God and willingness to serve Him unconditionally in reaching the most unreached peoples of the world, are the reasons why my wife and I dedicated ourselves to be part of Christ’s great commission.
In God’s hand we see ourselves “healed and equipped to be “FREE TO SERVE”