Petré and Elma Theart relate some of their experiences in Indo China
Visit to Mae Sai from Thursday 24 March 2016 to Thursday 31 March 2016
It was a wonderful experience to visit the Indo-China project of FTS for a second time, after being there also during 2013. This time however, was much more special because we could visit some of their work accompanied by Dr Johann Snyman in Burma & Thailand and be witnesses of his passion & of what he and Elna created since 2005 by the grace of God. FTS Indo-China is well established and a fast growing ministry under the diligent and passionate leadership of Pastor David and his team.

Petré & Elma with our Indochina Leader David at the Golden Triangle
During our visit to the Golden Triangle CenterPoint we could pray for the three countries, Thailand, Burma/Myanmar and Laos with their common threats, drugs and sex trade, but also their difference in government systems (Communist, military and semi-democratic) which are so influential in the spreading of the gospel – being the conditions under which the pastors have to operate.
We could visit the latest-planted church under FTS in a village close to Fung City and attend their worship meeting on the Sunday morning. What wonderful and humble people they are – in their poverty, still willing to prepare a traditional meal for us with so much love in their hearts.
Oh, and then there was the visit to two FTS Children Homes in Myanmar. We were entertained by the singing and dancing of the children but we could also witness the love and care of the pastors and their personnel and therefore we know that the children are in good care.

Petré speaks to our one Burmese Children’s Home’s Children at Pastor Soway’s Children’s Home
The training of 50 pastors over 3 days followed. Translated in Thai and Burmese, Dr Johan Louw of Davar Partners International, presented the Interactive Bible Discovery course. The purpose of the course is to equip literate thinkers to empower oral learners to personally engage with the Word of God and to create a multiplying process of audio Scripture engagement. At the end each participant received a certificate and some audio bibles. The pastors testified that this course and the equipment they received were the perfect tools they need to expand their ministries to specifically the rural areas. They departed full of courage and expectation to spread the Word of God.
Perhaps the most memorable for us is the vision of the pastors to expand their church planting efforts to cities in the hope to raise money to reach the unreached in the rural areas. They firmly belief that this is what the Lord wants them to do and they completely trust the Lord to show them how to do it.
We met so many pastors and listened to their dreams…they seriously desire to only be obedient to the Lord and to be guided by His word.
What an amazing experience it was – forever printed in our minds – to guide our prayers and to share it with as many as possible, hoping that they will go and see it themselves.