FTS IndoChina Annual Training
TRAINING PASTORS from Thailand, China, Laos & Burma
Sorry that we cannot display any clear pictures of our Pastors from Laos, Burma or China – but this is due to the severe persecution in these countries.
- FTS has been Training ± 53 Pastors from Laos, Burma, Thailand & China since 2006 – and they are still involved in our continuous FTS Training Process
- Our Pastors are being trained together with our 13 Discipleship School students
- The Training of our indigenous Pastors from Indochina costs us ± R 60 000 – US $ 5 068 – per Training Module – twice per year.
- For our Burmese Pastors – ± R 25 000 (= ± USD 3,000)
- For our Laos Pastors – ± R 20 000 (= ± USD 2 500)
- For our Thai Pastors – ± R 10 000 (= ± USD 1 200)
- For our Chinese Leaders – ± R 5 000 (= ± USD 600)
- These Training Costs include different items: E.g. transport costs, accommodation, food, renting of space, assistance to our newly Planted Churches and training material
- FTS-Trainers are responsible to raise their own Funds to conduct the Training
Next Training Date: November 2015. The training will be conducted by Dr Ryk van Velden & by Dr Johann Snyman – CEO – Free To Serve
On average a Pastor from Indochina will have very little Theological Training – if any – due to the vast problem of poverty and economical factors due to the Communist System in Laos & China & the Military Regime in Burma
Most pastors are also first generation believers who came to the Lord in their adult life and missed the opportunity to attend any Bible School
- Unskilled and untrained pastors are equipped by FTS to present the Good News to their own people in more effective and applicable ways through Service Evangelism.
- We are following the example of Paul e.g. in Acts 19 where Paul are training the indigenous leaders in Ephesus – the local indigenous Pastors have a very big advantage above foreign pastors as they know the indigenous languages, cultures, traditions, local religions and above all they have what is mostly needed in missions – the natural relationships with their own local people.
- Where pastors are equipped and trained the church starts to grow tremendously among their own indigenous people in Laos, Burma, China and Thailand.
- This is to take the Great Commission of Jesus very seriously – “Go then to all nations and make the people My disciples” (Matt 28:19)
- FTS needs ± R 60 000 for these Training Modules (= ± US $ 5 068) twice a year
- We trust God for these funds before June 2015
- We also need Training funds for our ongoing Training Process – training the pastors where they live continuously throughout the whole year.
“Lord Jesus please protect Your passionate pastors from China, Burma, Laos & Thailand & their families. Please provide in every spiritual & material need which they might encounter. Anoint them freshly every morning with Your Spirit. Lord we already thank you for the ± R 60 000 (± US $ 7 500) even though it has not come in yet. Thank You Jesus!”