Burma Children’s Homes
We have 5 Children’s Homes (FTS-CH) in 5 different undisclosed areas of Burma established in 2006. We regret it that our children’s pictures & names had to be removed from our FTS Website due to the persecution of our children in Burma (The picture here is a very old picture with children who have already gone through our Children’s Home).
- FTS Children’s Homes are Faith Ministries and can only exist as long as God makes provision for His vision.
- FTS-CH’s are totally dependent upon God for answers to prayers, money and support on all levels needed.
Sponsorships for 92 x children NEEDED
Please pray and see if God has called you to sponsor one of His beautiful but poor children from Burma at US $ 60 (R 500 ZAR) per month.
- YOU might be the one chosen by God to give a heavenly opportunity to a desperate and needy child of this poverty stricken area.
- Children can be sponsored at USD $ 60 per month via free to serve’s donation page.
- Currently we host 92 x children in the 4 x FTS BURMA Children’s Homes.
We trust the Lord for ± US $ 5 500 per month to sustain all 92 x children in our 3 x FTS Burmese Children’s Homes – (92 children x US $60 = ± US $ 5 500 (ZAR ± R 46 000 per month
The Primer Process Focus is on the following:
- Christ Centeredness
- Child Centeredness
- Context Centeredness
- Growth Centeredness
The following Objectives are being developed in FTS BURMA CH’s, amongst others:
Christ Centeredness
- The focus will always be on Jesus Christ as the Divine Centre
- Everything is done as if we are doing it for Jesus Christ Himself!
- Every Child is seen as a unique focus point
- Every Child is individually valued
- Every child receives personal care and love
Context Centeredness
- The FTS-CH Process is holistic in its approach
- The whole child in his or her whole context is valued
- Focus on body – good food and enough exercise and recreation and fun-times are being developed
- Focus on mind – a healthy mind as far as studies and intellectual stimuli is developed
- Focus on heart – healthy emotions and a happy child in a positive process conducive to emotional growth is our objective
- Focus on relationships – we want every child to experience his or her being part of the “Family” of FTS-CH. Main relationships which will be developed will be between the Peer Group, every child and Jesus Christ, the “Parents”, the “Grand Parents”, the broader FREE TO SERVE Family, nature and the indigenous culture of the child.
- Focus on Kingdom Culture – The original links with the child’s natural Parents and Family and Village culture will be honored and further developed in a Kingdom Culture where applicable.
- Significant Others e.g. natural Thai Leaders in the Church and Community and Family will be enhanced.
Growth Centeredness
Our focus is also on Skills Development as far as it is conducive for every child’s process of growth. Skills are being developed, like – e.g.
- Study skills
- Leadership development e.g. responsibility Cooking and preparing food
- Work ethics
- Agriculture & farming
- English classes
- Word of God
- Music & instruments
- Computer skills
- Thai Classes
- Sex education
- Personal hygiene
- Drug & substance abuse
- Mechanics
- Charismata – gifting & needs
- Missions to Every Nation e.g. especially China
- Disciple Making
- FREE TO SERVE value system All skills needs which may be applicable in future
- SELF Supporting
- SELF Sufficiency
- SELF Government
- SELF Mobilization
- Children selected for the FTS Burmese Children’s Homes are
- Orphan children (orphan’s regarding father or mother, or both, who died)
- Pastors children
- Poor children with a lack of opportunity
- Children from “unreached” families
- Children from highlander families (from any race) who need real assistance
- We can expect to raise children who will be healthy, happy, fulfilled & mature young adults venturing into a challenging world educated, equipped, skilled and ready to face any decisive opportunity
- We expect to raise mature disciples of God who will further the Kingdom of God while fulfilling their Godly purposes in life.