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Bengali’s came to know Jesus

Due to persecution we cannot display the real picture of G’s mother.

We’ve already shared the wonderful news of G’s mother & sister-in-law who were baptized a month ago…and now the Lord is using them to reach the rest of the family in their City as well as their friends! Isn’t it amazing…the Holy Spirit is moving in West Bengal and is convicting the Bengali’s of the only Way, the only Truth and the only Life…Jesus Himself! The Son of God is setting free people who belong to one of the most difficult groups of people – the Bengali’s, who are amongst the highly developed intellectuals of India – a very difficult group who is in general more affluent and of higher cast. Therefore, as G himself puts it, “Remember, it is very, very, very difficult to bring Bengali’s to the Lord”

Prayer Request

Please pray for G’s mother & sister-in-law who have started a fellowship in their home in Calcutta – that the Lord will strengthen them against any attack from satan & that He will daily equip them through His Holy Spirit to keep on reaching out to their family & friends.

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