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ABC’s Testimony – India

ABC’s Testimony – India

Hello Brother Johann,

Following is my story in fast-forward mode. I am sure you will be praising
God after reading this.

I was in college when I met you first in India in year 20… You know I was
reluctant to come to that seminar but I just gave in to my elder sister’s
pestering at that time. But soon after you started sharing the message, I
began to have that amazing peace & joy which I never knew before & before
the seminar was over, I was actually crying & desiring to have more of
whatever that was which I experienced during the seminar. I, obviously, did
not understand it at that time but of course I did later that was the
love & joy of the Holy Ghost (so apt as the title of the seminar, ‘God’s
loving heart’) & He was captivating my heart. Attending that seminar was
the best thing that happened in my life because that changed the track &
course of my life.

I became more & more hungry for the Lord thereafter. God sent couple of
people in my way so that I could grow in my spiritual stature. God started
working in the lives of mother & father as well. It was very difficult with
my father and the more we grew in Christ, the stauncher he became in
religion. But God eventually changed his heart too. So, in a space of 2
years or so, my whole family was saved even my elder married sister & her
husband who were married as per Hindu law a few years back.

God helped me to finish college and also my Masters in Finance. I did my
first job for 6 months with no salary, worked for a bank for 1.5 years in a
profile I would neither enjoy nor it was meant for a Finance post-graduate,
worked with a Call Centre & then eventually landed within ….

My employer who I had been working with for last few years brought me to
Europe (when there were job cuts going on for others) a few years ago &
since then I have been living here. I love my job &
profile since I started working with my current employer.

It is unbelievable when I look back and I wonder how God worked it out all
of this. He is so good God.

I am sure that, had I not experienced what I did through your teachings in that
session, I would not have been here in my life where I am today. And I know
that your visit to India was God-ordained. Thank you very much for obeying
God & saying yes to Him at that time for that visit. God will richly reward
you for all what you have been doing for Him.

I am .. years of age now … I have been praying for
the life partner who God has made for me. I don’t know who & where she is
but I am trusting my Lord here.

I pray that may the Lord anoint you in a fresh manner & reveal Himself to
you as never before & may He use you in the four corners of the world. I
look forward to seeing you some day. Until that happens, please write to me
whenever you get a chance

Many blessings to you

Kind regards

PS – Some detail have been deleted to protect the person from persecution in India. JS


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