Gerhard & Ilse Smit

Gerhard & Ilse Smit
FTS Board of Members RSA
We live in Elarduspark a suburb of the wonderful city of Pretoria. I am working at a shop fitting company and enjoy all the ups and downs of the construction industry. Ilse is a internal auditor at the Department of Higher Education. We have been blissfully married for fourteen years. Both of us enjoy traveling, reading and spending time in nature. Currently we are enrolled at Teamwork Impact Bible College where we enjoy learning more of the Word of GOD.
We got involved in Free To Serve through a Prayer Outreach to Indochina. Since then we are firm supporters of Free To Serve. Christ’s ministry on earth was characterised by serving others, this same characteristic we have found in Free To Serve and we are blessed to be part of it.
Both of us firmly believe in the “Great Commission”. By being part of Free to Serve we can help equip local pastors in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.